The brief history of the unique surname, Nutspittle. (ca. 1808 until 1848)


The Variety of Nutspittle

Back then many people were not literate and spellings were often in the interpretation of what the record heard*. There were several misspellings everywhere, like Nursptill, Nursepickel, Nutsptill, etc.

Here is a listing of where the name has been misspelled:

How Name Was Spelled
Description/Where Found
Nursptill In the writing where name was changed to Nourse.
Nutsptill Caroline A. A child of Francis Joseph who died in 1842 or died that year (5 yo)
Nursepickle Oldest son, Francis Joseph, name as seen in marriage records.
John G. Neppickle
1810 Census
John G. Nutopittle 1820 Census
Nutspitle Name listed in John George's marriage book
Nessuckle George died (age 2 yo)
Nurspicktle Name for Mary in 1835
Nursepittle Jacob listed in 1844, 45...
Nntspitte "u" made upside down
Nutpickle Marriage info on John George and Mary


* Words from Kathy Nourse